Saturday, December 1, 2012


Assignment for Will Terry's Children's Book Illustration. A slightly different take on an old tale

I really enjoy fantasy artists, such as Frank Frazetta, or the many cover artists of fantasy novels. (Brom, the Hilderbrandt brothers, Michael Whelan to name a few) As such, I tried to emulate a similar feel with this one, while still keeping the children's book aspect intact.

This one changed a bit through it's conception, but still remained the same in essence. Don has my sketchbook with the thumbnails, so I'll skip to the comp phase. At this point, I knew I wanted to depict the castle in the sky along with the beanstalk.

They say, 'Third time is the charm' I felt that way about this one, and I really should have kept it closer to this.

But when I drew it on paper with Prisma black and white, it turned out a bit different

I did like the addition of the moon in the background, but didn't even end up keeping it in. Alicia suggested I connect the beanstalk to the scene more, in order to tell a more effective story; hence the debris from the trail around the beanstalk. I used the digital watercolours method block in the colour shapes, then continued to render from there. The end.

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