Thursday, August 30, 2012

Control S means Save

One last portrait before school starts up. This is the first week back at UVU for Fall semester. I decided to commit the cardinal sin in art and paint my daughter (as a student that is). The reason this is such a dangerous thing for many an artist is that you might never be happy with the results, and any critique can be taken WAY too personal haha

 Case in point on this one:

 This is probably the best feedback I have gotten so far, and it was the first comment at that. I may or may not agree with him, but the fact that he sees 'creepy' tells me to factor that in next time around. I probably could have tweaked it more to the point of completion, and may have shared it a bit too early. Although in my defense, I did wait and tweak for a good week. And you have to remember if you ever paint a loved one: Critique against the work is not critique against the subject matter.

An easy trap we all fall into is thinking that on digital work, 'control S' (or command S) means "SHARE" not "SAVE". This is a pit that most every modern artist will find themselves teetering along the edge of. Even Justin Gerard addressed the temptation of sharing that amazing piece of work the minute you hit save!

When we hit Control S, we:
SAVE our work in it's current form
SAVE it for a later date
SAVE ourselves some grief by not sharing it in an unfinished state that we previously did not realise until it was too late.

Remember, sometimes people will give you one glance, and if that one glance isn't memorable, it might be the only glance you will ever get from them. Of course, perseverance will pay off, and if you put enough time and work into it, you can become successful. But why not 'save' yourself some stress and sleep on it before sharing? It could make a world of difference :)


  1. I like that bit about ctrl S being Save and not Share... something I think I need to start practicing. Thank you Stewart.

    1. We're all plagued by it's tremendous powers!

  2. It is my opinion that all artists feel a need to have their work seen by someone. The digital age caters to this need, but it also fuels an addiction of sorts. We want those "likes" and comments so bad, that we lean towards posting EVERYTHING.
